Plein Sud: Why is the show called Fondant?
Zoe Williams : Because in my work I like to think about things melting and merging into each other. And I like the sensation of melting and ceramics, and glazings, and cakes, and bodies, so it’s all sorts of different me
PS: How did it come about?
ZW: I was interested in environments that are a bit too much, and in between cinema, performance and sculpture installation. This is really what I wanted to try with this. And also this idea of sensuality that is almost unbearable with an end of times feeling about it or non time.
PS: What makes you melt?
ZW: Lots of things, haha, but I love surfaces and fabrics that kind of ooze into each other, soft things and heat!
PS: Why Marseille?
ZW: Because Fraeme asked me to do a project here but also because I always had this interest and been drawn to the city for the last ten years so it was a great opportunity. I have been staying at La Belle de Mai so I feel that I got a good combination being between the sea and the landscape I have been moving in.
PS: Are they any hidden surprises in the show?
ZW: Ha! Maybe you have to discover, there are a few. The soundtrack is 40 minutes so there are some peaks, you need to listen out, maybe for some words… Yes.
PS: Sex or romance?
ZW: I think they are two of same, I think they get separated too much.

Fondant. Fræme, Marseille → 24.09.23