Located in Mazargue, a historic village of fishermen, workers and craftspeople, Southway Studio reflects on the relationship between arts and crafts. Following the Arts & Crafts movement, this collective designs artworks for domestic use. Just like the villa E-1027, the Pavillon Southway is a genuine artwork and an artist-in-residence space.

Pavillon-Southway © Florian Touzet
Pavillon-Southway © Florian Touzet
© Hervé Hote
© Hervé Hote
© Hervé Hote
© Hervé Hote

Located in Mazargue, a historic village of fishermen, workers and craftspeople, Southway Studio reflects on the relationship between arts and crafts. Following the Arts & Crafts movement, this collective designs artworks for domestic use. Just like the villa E-1027, the Pavillon Southway is a genuine artwork and an artist-in-residence space.


Portrait Carlotti © Pierre-Ange Carlotti
Portrait Carlotti © Pierre-Ange Carlotti

Pierre-Ange Carlotti

Paysage d’abord romantique et intimidant, la côte de calcaire de Marseille, battue par les vents et le sel, a longtemps été le territoire exclusif des pêcheurs et des chasseurs. C’est pourtant dans le creux de ces rochers déchiquetés qu’ont émergées certaines des premières associations naturistes dans les années 1920 et 1930. D’abord conçue comme un remède à la tuberculose, l’exposition du corps nu est devenu une utopie édénique, portant en elle le voeux d’un lien renoué entre humanité et nature.

Au terme d’une résidence au Pavillon Southway (du 30 mai au 12 juin 2024), Pierre-Ange Carlotti sur les lieux historiques de l’émergence du naturisme, de la calanque de Sugiton au Mont-Rose. Il explore, à travers une série photographique inédite, les résurgences contemporaines de cette utopie à Marseille, dans ces enclaves de nature désormais confrontées directement à l’urbanisation.


Pavillon Southway
433, boulevard Michelet
13004 Marseille

Monday to Friday : 2pm – 5pm, by appointment.

Locate other art venues in the vicinity on the map.

Discover our address book


Double V Gallery : The trendy contemporary art gallery in Marseille.
Galerie Béa-Ba : A hub for contemporary painting.


Friche La Belle de mai : An arts and culture factory and a living place.
Coco Velten : A place for working and encounters with a collaborative cultural programme.
Fotokino : Exhibitions, screenings, workshops and conferences.


Lucy Luce : the workshop-boutique of a jewelry designer and organic sculptures.
JoggingJogging : concept et fashion store.


Le Don du Vent : Boat rental and private boat services.


Pavillon Southway : The Southway Pavilion rooms offer an artistic immersion in the works and exhibitions of Southway Studio.
Les Bords de Mer : Mini-refuge, maxi-vue : 19 bedrooms facing the big blue.
Hôtel Le Ryad : Well located at the top of la Canebière in the city center.
La Résidence du Vieux Port : 4-star hotel with a retro decor, inspired by Le Corbusier and Pouillon.
Tuba Club : A restyled former diving club in the Goudes district. 5 bedrooms and a restaurant with a breathtaking view of the Calanques.


La Marine des Goudes : A mythical place in the heart of the little port of Les Goudes, inviting the sea to enter and guests to sail.
Sépia : Seasonal cooking. Covered terrace and view of the city.
La Parenthèse : Terrace with tapas to share in a quiet alley of La Vieille Chapelle district.
Chez Yassine : Tunisian halal specialties. A must-go of Eastern cuisine in the Noailles district.
Yima: A family Eastern canteen in the Noailles district. (Marseille)
Toïa : For the ceviche lovers, a tasty cuisine made with fresh and seasonal products.
La cantine de Lynn : A delicious small restaurant, home cooking and a welcoming atmosphere.


Les Buvards : An excellent selection of natural wines and healthy products in this natural wine bar pioneer in Marseille.
Épicerie L’Idéal : Fresh goat cheese, Camargue lamb, an excellent selection of products from the Mediterranean Basin to take away and meals to eat in.
Maison Geney : Canteen, delicatessen and tearoom with homemade products, a simple and generous cooking in the Panier district.