Housed in a 19th-century mansion, this Foundation created in 2011 by Danièle Kapel-Marcovici and Tristan Fourtine is devoted to contemporary sculpture. One can also enjoy an artistic stroll through the Villa’s garden and along the banks of the Sorgue.

Housed in a 19th-century mansion, this Foundation created in 2011 by Danièle Kapel-Marcovici and Tristan Fourtine is devoted to contemporary sculpture. One can also enjoy an artistic stroll through the Villa’s garden and along the banks of the Sorgue.


Terrence Musekiwa Mukuru (Elder) 2023. Springstone, internet cables, brass door handles, an iron bike, crystal plastic beads, steel, aluminium, copper 162 x 98 x 61 cm. Courtesy Catinca Tabacaru Gallery
Terrence Musekiwa Mukuru (Elder) 2023. Springstone, internet cables, brass door handles, an iron bike, crystal plastic beads, steel, aluminium, copper 162 x 98 x 61 cm. Courtesy Catinca Tabacaru Gallery
Nick Cave, Soundsuit, 2016. Mixed media including a large toy horse and various other toys, gloves, wire, metal and mannequin 300 x 152,5 x 127 cm © Nick Cave. Photo by James Prinz Photography. Courtesy of the artist and Jack Shainman Gallery, New York. Collection Fondation Villa Datris
Nick Cave, Soundsuit, 2016. Mixed media including a large toy horse and various other toys, gloves, wire, metal and mannequin 300 x 152,5 x 127 cm © Nick Cave. Photo by James Prinz Photography. Courtesy of the artist and Jack Shainman Gallery, New York. Collection Fondation Villa Datris
Prune Nourry, Cercle de vie, 2021. Bois brûlé 114 x 90 x 20 cm Courtesy of the artist and TEMPLON, Paris - Brussels - New York Photo © Laurent Edeline © Prune Nourry, ADAGP, Paris – 2024
Prune Nourry, Cercle de vie, 2021. Bois brûlé 114 x 90 x 20 cm Courtesy of the artist and TEMPLON, Paris - Brussels - New York Photo © Laurent Edeline © Prune Nourry, ADAGP, Paris – 2024
Alexandra Bircken, 4SR, 2017. Combinaison de moto accrochée au mur, telle une peau de bête, avec des clous, tissu synthétique, cuir, bouton pression, métal, velcro, plastique, velours et mousse 165 x 150 x 15 cm. Collection 49 Nord 6 Est – Frac Lorraine Photo © Andy Keate, 2017 © Alexandra Bircken, ADAGP, Paris – 2024
Alexandra Bircken, 4SR, 2017. Combinaison de moto accrochée au mur, telle une peau de bête, avec des clous, tissu synthétique, cuir, bouton pression, métal, velcro, plastique, velours et mousse 165 x 150 x 15 cm. Collection 49 Nord 6 Est – Frac Lorraine Photo © Andy Keate, 2017 © Alexandra Bircken, ADAGP, Paris – 2024
Johan Creten, La Cathédrale, 1999-2000. Bronze patiné, fonte à la cire perdue 190 x 53 x 50 cm  2/2 AP + 3 éditions. Courtesy de l'artiste et Perrotin © Johan Creten, ADAGP, Paris – 2024
Johan Creten, La Cathédrale, 1999-2000. Bronze patiné, fonte à la cire perdue 190 x 53 x 50 cm 2/2 AP + 3 éditions. Courtesy de l'artiste et Perrotin © Johan Creten, ADAGP, Paris – 2024
Meschac Gaba, Fela Kuti, 2010-2011. Cheveux artificiels tressés, pièces métalliques et buste de mannequin 124 x 20 x 26 cm Collection Fondation Villa Datris © Meschac Gaba, ADAGP, Paris - 2024
Meschac Gaba, Fela Kuti, 2010-2011. Cheveux artificiels tressés, pièces métalliques et buste de mannequin 124 x 20 x 26 cm Collection Fondation Villa Datris © Meschac Gaba, ADAGP, Paris - 2024

Faire corps

In 2024, Villa Datris explores the vision of the body by 65 artists from around the world. The exhibition features sculptures by men and women who give shape to both spirit and matter, taking the pulse of human representation at its most contemporary. Niki de Saint Phalle's sensitive and generous installation, Last Night I Had a Dream, in which the bodies of the famous "nanas" take flight in 18 bas-reliefs, is particularly noteworthy.


Fondation Villa Datris
7, avenue des Quatre-Otages
84800 L’Isle-sur-la-Sorgue
+33 (0)4 90 95 23 70

May, June: Wednesday to Sunday, 11am-1pm and 2pm-6pm
July, August: every day except Tuesday, 10am-1pm and 2pm-7pm
September, October: Wednesday to Sunday, 11am-1pm and 2pm-6pm
Open continuously on Sundays and holidays - Free admission.

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La Filaventure Musée Brun de Vian-Tiran : in an outstanding place at the gates of the Parc Régional du Luberon, come and discover the 15 steps to make a fabric in a sensory museum.


Grand Hôtel Henri : a refined and elegant place decorated in French style combining tradition with design.